Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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3,226 lines
% OPS5 heavily modified by John Fitch to improve efficiency and
% functionality. This is a Cambridge LISP version.
%%% Compatability for Cambridge LISP
(setsyntax ":=+-*$&?<>" 'break!-character nil)
(setsyntax ":=+-*$&?<>" 'letter t)
(setq !!excise excise)
(car!-nil!-legal t)
(dm flatc (n) (list 'length (list 'explode n)))
(dm putprop (x y z) (list 'put x z y)) % Argument order
(dm !!mapc (x y) (list 'mapc y x)) % Argument order
(dm !!minus (x) (minus x)) % Possible syntax problem
(dm prog1 l
(prog (var)
(setq var (gensym))
`(prog (,var)
(setq ,var ,(car l))
,@(append (cdr l) '((return ,xxx)))))))
(setq !*comp t)
% In general the IO model of Cambridge LISP differs from Franz
% These functions patch it up a little
(de !!read (prt)
(prog (x ans)
(setq x (rds prt))
(setq ans (read))
(rds x)
(return ans)))
(de !!tyipeek (prt)
(prog (x ans)
(setq x (rds prt 'input))
(setq ans (tyipeek))
(rds x)
(return ans)))
(de !!princ (x prt)
(prog (old)
(setq old (rds prt))
(princ x)
(rds old)
(return x)))
% Useful function not defined in Cambridge LISP
(de delq (a b)
((null b) nil)
((eq a (car b)) (cdr b))
(t (cons (car b) (delq a (cdr b)))) ))
'(*matrix* *buckets* *accept-file* *write-file* *trace-file*
*class-list* *brkpts* *strategy* *in-rhs* *ptrace* *wtrace*
*recording* *refracts* *real-cnt* *virtual-cnt* *max-cs*
*total-cs* *limit-token* *limit-cs* *critical* *build-trace*
*wmpart-list* *size-result-array* *result-array*
*record-array* *result-array* *size-result-array*
*pcount* *cycle-count* *action-count* *total-token* *max-token*
*current-token* *total-cs* *max-cs* *total-wm* *max-wm*
*current-wm* *conflict-set* *wmpart-list* *p-name*
*remaining-cycles* *first-node* *feature-count* *cur-vars*
*ce-count* *vars* *ce-vars* *rhs-bound-vars*
*rhs-bound-ce-vars* *last-branch* *last-node* *subnum*
*record* *max-record-index* *record-index* *curcond* *sendtocall* *side*
*flag-part* *data-part* *alpha-flag-part* *alpha-data-part* *wm-filter*
*wm* *old-wm* *action-type* *data-matched* *last* *variable-memory*
*filters* *ppline* *halt-flag* *ce-variable-memory* *rest* *max-index*
*next-index* *break-flag* *phase* *cvec* *cved-least*
% =ALG returns T if A and B are algebraicly equal.
(de =alg (a b) (zerop (difference a b)))
(de ce-gelm (x k)
(prog nil
loop (cond ((eq k 1) (return (car x))))
(setq k (isub1 k))
(setq x (cdr x))
(go loop)))
% The loops in gelm were unwound so that fewer calls on DIFFERENCE
% would be needed. (JPff comment: Yeak)
(de gelm (x k)
(prog (ce sub)
(setq ce (iquotient k 10000))
(setq sub (idifference k (itimes ce 10000)))
celoop(cond ((eq ce 0) (go ph2)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq ce 1) (go ph2)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq ce 2) (go ph2)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq ce 3) (go ph2)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq ce 4) (go ph2)))
(setq ce (idifference ce 4))
(go celoop)
ph2 (setq x (car x))
(cond ((eq sub 0) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 1) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 2) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 3) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 4) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 5) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 6) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 7) (go finis)))
(setq x (cdr x))
(cond ((eq sub 8) (go finis)))
(setq sub (idifference sub 8))
(go subloop)
finis (return (car x))))
%%% Utility functions
(de printline (x)
(foreach y in x do
(princ " ")
(print y))))
(de printlinec (x)
(foreach y in x do
(princ " ")
(princ y))))
% intersect two lists using eq for the equality test
(de interq (x y)
((atom x) nil)
((memq (car x) y) (cons (car x) (interq (cdr x) y)))
(t (interq (cdr x) y))))
(de i-g-v nil
(prog (x)
%(sstatus translink t)
%(setsyntax '{ 66)
%(setsyntax '} 66)
%(setsyntax '^ 66)
(setq *buckets* 64)
% OPS5 allows 64 named slots
(setq *accept-file* nil)
(setq *write-file* nil)
(setq *trace-file* nil)
(setq *class-list* nil)
(setq *brkpts* nil)
(setq *strategy* 'lex)
(setq *in-rhs* nil)
(setq *ptrace* t)
(setq *wtrace* nil)
(setq *recording* nil)
(setq *refracts* nil)
(setq *real-cnt* (setq *virtual-cnt* 0))
(setq *max-cs* (setq *total-cs* 0))
(setq *limit-token* 1000000)
(setq *limit-cs* 1000000)
(setq *critical* nil)
(setq *build-trace* nil)
(setq *wmpart-list* nil)
(setq *size-result-array* 127)
(setq *result-array* (mkvect *size-result-array*))
(setq *record-array* (mkvect *size-result-array*))
%%% Used to be 6 "!!!
(setq x 0)
loop (putv *result-array* x nil)
(setq x (iadd1 x))
(cond ((not (igreaterp x *size-result-array*)) (go loop)))
(setq *pcount* 0)
(setq *cycle-count* (setq *action-count* 0))
(setq *total-token*
(setq *max-token* (setq *current-token* 0)))
(setq *total-cs* (setq *max-cs* 0))
(setq *total-wm* (setq *max-wm* (setq *current-wm* 0)))
(setq *conflict-set* nil)
(setq *wmpart-list* nil)
(setq *p-name* nil)
(setq *remaining-cycles* 1000000)
(setq *cvec* (mkvect 64))
(setq *cvec-least* 0)))
% if the size of result-array changes, change the line in i-g-v which
% sets the value of *size-result-array*
(de !%warn (what where)
(prog nil
(princ '!?)
(and *p-name* (princ *p-name*))
(princ "..")
(princ where)
(princ "..")
(princ what)
(return where)))
(de !%error (what where)
(!%warn what where)
(throw !!error!! '!!error!!))
(de round (x) (fix (plus 0.5 x)))
(de top-levels-eq (la lb)
(prog nil
lx (cond
((eq la lb) (return t))
((null la) (return nil))
((null lb) (return nil))
((not (eq (car la) (car lb))) (return nil)))
(setq la (cdr la))
(setq lb (cdr lb))
(go lx)))
(df literal z
(prog (atm val old)
top (cond
((atom z) (return 'bound))
((not (eq (cadr z) '=)) (return (!%warn "wrong format" z))))
(setq atm (car z))
(setq val (caddr z))
(setq z (cdddr z))
((not (numberp val))
(!%warn "can bind only to numbers" val))
((or (not (idp atm)) (variablep atm))
(!%warn "can bind only constant atoms" atm))
(setq old (literal-binding-of atm))
(not (equal old val)))
(!%warn "attempt to rebind attribute" atm))
(t (put atm 'ops-bind val)))
(go top)))
(dm have-compiled-production nil '(not (izerop *pcount*)))
(df literalize l
(prog (class-name atts)
(setq class-name (car l))
(!%warn "literalize called after p" class-name)
(return nil))
((get class-name 'att-list)
(!%warn "attempt to redefine class" class-name)
(return nil)))
(setq *class-list* (cons class-name *class-list*))
(setq atts (remove-duplicates (cdr l)))
(test-attribute-names atts)
(mark-conflicts atts atts)
(put class-name 'att-list atts)))
(df vector-attribute l
(!%warn "vector-attribute called after p" l))
(t (test-attribute-names l)
(flag l 'vector-attribute))))
(dm is-vector-attribute (att) `(flagp ,att 'vector-attribute))
(de test-attribute-names (l)
(!!mapc (function test-attribute-names2) l))
(de test-attribute-names2 (atm)
((or (not (idp atm)) (variablep atm))
(!%warn "can bind only constant atoms" atm))))
(de finish-literalize nil
((not (null *class-list*))
(!!mapc (function note-user-assigns) *class-list*)
(!!mapc (function assign-scalars) *class-list*)
(!!mapc (function assign-vectors) *class-list*)
(!!mapc (function put-ppdat) *class-list*)
(!!mapc (function erase-literal-info) *class-list*)
(setq *class-list* nil)
(setq *buckets* nil))))
(de put-ppdat (class)
(prog (al att ppdat)
(setq ppdat nil)
(setq al (get class 'att-list))
top (cond
((not (atom al))
(setq att (car al))
(setq al (cdr al))
(setq ppdat
(cons (cons (literal-binding-of att) att) ppdat))
(go top)))
(putprop class ppdat 'ppdat)))
% note-user-assigns and note-user-vector-assigns are needed only when
% literal and literalize are both used in a program. They make sure that
% the assignments that are made explicitly with literal do not cause problems
% for the literalized classes.
(de note-user-assigns (class)
(!!mapc (function note-user-assigns2) (get class 'att-list)))
(de note-user-assigns2 (att)
(prog (num conf buck clash)
(setq num (literal-binding-of att))
(cond ((null num) (return nil)))
(setq conf (get att 'conflicts))
(setq buck (store-binding att num))
(setq clash (find-common-atom buck conf))
"attributes in a class assigned the same number"
(cons att clash)))
(return nil)))
(de note-user-vector-assigns (att given needed)
(greaterp needed given)
"vector attribute assigned too small a value in literal"
(de assign-scalars (class)
(!!mapc (function assign-scalars2) (get class 'att-list)))
(de assign-scalars2 (att)
(prog (tlist num bucket conf)
((literal-binding-of att) (return nil))
((is-vector-attribute att) (return nil)))
(setq tlist (buckets))
(setq conf (get att 'conflicts))
top (cond
((atom tlist)
(!%warn "could not generate a binding" att)
(store-binding att (!!minus 1))
(return nil)))
(setq num (caar tlist))
(setq bucket (cdar tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
((disjoint bucket conf) (store-binding att num))
(t (go top)))) )
(de assign-vectors (class)
(!!mapc (function assign-vectors2) (get class 'att-list)))
(de assign-vectors2 (att)
(prog (big conf new old need)
(cond ((not (is-vector-attribute att)) (return nil)))
(setq big 1)
(setq conf (get att 'conflicts))
top (cond
((not (atom conf))
(setq new (car conf))
(setq conf (cdr conf))
((is-vector-attribute new)
"class has two vector attributes"
(list att new)))
(t (setq big (max (literal-binding-of new) big))))
(go top)))
(setq need (iadd1 big))
(setq old (literal-binding-of att))
(old (note-user-vector-assigns att old need))
(t (store-binding att need)))
(return nil)))
(de disjoint (la lb) (not (find-common-atom la lb)))
(de find-common-atom (la lb)
(prog nil
top (cond
((null la) (return nil))
((memq (car la) lb) (return (car la)))
(t (setq la (cdr la)) (go top)))) )
(de mark-conflicts (rem all)
((not (null rem))
(mark-conflicts2 (car rem) all)
(mark-conflicts (cdr rem) all))))
(de mark-conflicts2 (atm lst)
(prog (l)
(setq l lst)
top (cond ((atom l) (return nil)))
(conflict atm (car l))
(setq l (cdr l))
(go top)))
(de conflict (a b)
(prog (old)
(setq old (get a 'conflicts))
(not (eq a b))
(not (memq b old))
(putprop a (cons b old) 'conflicts))))
(de remove-duplicates (lst)
((atom lst) nil)
((memq (car lst) (cdr lst)) (remove-duplicates (cdr lst)))
(t (cons (car lst) (remove-duplicates (cdr lst)))) ))
(de literal-binding-of (name) (get name 'ops-bind))
(de store-binding (name lit)
(putprop name lit 'ops-bind)
(add-bucket name lit))
(de add-bucket (name num)
(prog (buc)
(setq buc (assoc num (buckets)))
(and (not (memq name buc)) (rplacd buc (cons name (cdr buc))))
(return buc)))
(de buckets nil
(and (atom *buckets*) (setq *buckets* (make-nums *buckets*)))
(de make-nums (k)
(prog (nums)
(setq nums nil)
l (cond ((ilessp k 2) (return nums)))
(setq nums (cons (ncons k) nums))
(setq k (isub1 k))
(go l)))
(de erase-literal-info (class)
(!!mapc (function erase-literal-info2) (get class 'att-list))
(remprop class 'att-list))
(de erase-literal-info2 (att) (remprop att 'conflicts))
%%% LHS Compiler
(df p z
(princ '*)
(compile-production (car z) (cdr z))
(car z))
(de compile-production (name matrix)
(prog (erm)
(setq *p-name* name)
(setq erm (catch !!error!! (cmp-p name matrix)))
(setq *p-name* nil)))
(de peek-lex nil (car *matrix*))
(de lex nil
(prog1 (car *matrix*) (setq *matrix* (cdr *matrix*))))
(de end-of-p nil (atom *matrix*))
(de rest-of-p nil *matrix*)
(de prepare-lex (prod) (setq *matrix* prod))
(de peek-sublex nil (car *curcond*))
(de sublex nil
(prog1 (car *curcond*) (setq *curcond* (cdr *curcond*))))
(de end-of-ce nil (atom *curcond*))
(de rest-of-ce nil *curcond*)
(de prepare-sublex (ce) (setq *curcond* ce))
(de make-bottom-node nil (setq *first-node* (list '&bus nil)))
(de cmp-p (name matrix)
(prog (m bakptrs)
((or (null name) (pairp name))
(!%error "illegal production name" name))
((equal (get name 'production) matrix) (return nil)))
(prepare-lex matrix)
(excise-p name)
(setq bakptrs nil)
(setq *pcount* (iadd1 *pcount*))
(setq *feature-count* 0)
(setq *ce-count* 0)
(setq *vars* nil)
(setq *ce-vars* nil)
(setq *rhs-bound-vars* nil)
(setq *rhs-bound-ce-vars* nil)
(setq *last-branch* nil)
(setq m (rest-of-p))
l1 (and (end-of-p) (!%error "no '-->' in production" m))
(setq bakptrs (cons *last-branch* bakptrs))
(cond ((not (eq '--> (peek-lex))) (go l1)))
(check-rhs (rest-of-p))
(list '&p *feature-count* name (encode-dope)
(encode-ce-dope) (cons 'progn (rest-of-p))))
(putprop name (cdr (reversewoc bakptrs)) 'backpointers)
(putprop name matrix 'production)
(putprop name *last-node* 'topnode)))
(de rating-part (pnode) (cadr pnode))
(de var-part (pnode) (car (cdddr pnode)))
(de ce-var-part (pnode) (cadr (cdddr pnode)))
(de rhs-part (pnode) (caddr (cdddr pnode)))
(de excise-p (name)
((get name 'topnode)
(printline (list name 'is 'excised))
(setq *pcount* (isub1 *pcount*))
(remove-from-conflict-set name)
(kill-node (get name 'topnode))
(remprop name 'production)
(remprop name 'backpointers)
(remprop name 'topnode))))
(de kill-node (node)
(prog nil
top (cond ((atom node) (return nil)))
(rplaca node '&old)
(setq node (cdr node))
(go top)))
(de cmp-prin nil
(prog nil
(setq *last-node* *first-node*)
((null *last-branch*) (cmp-posce) (cmp-nobeta))
((eq (peek-lex) '-) (cmp-negce) (cmp-not))
(t (cmp-posce) (cmp-and)))) )
(de cmp-negce nil (lex) (cmp-ce))
(de cmp-posce nil
(setq *ce-count* (iadd1 *ce-count*))
(cond ((eq (peek-lex) '!{) (cmp-ce+cevar)) (t (cmp-ce))))
(de cmp-ce+cevar nil
(prog (z)
((atom (peek-lex)) (cmp-cevar) (cmp-ce))
(t (cmp-ce) (cmp-cevar)))
(setq z (lex))
(or (eq z '!}) (!%error "missing '}" z))))
(de new-subnum (k)
(or (numberp k) (!%error "tab must be a number" k))
(setq *subnum* (fix k)))
(de incr-subnum nil (setq *subnum* (iadd1 *subnum*)))
(de cmp-ce nil
(prog (z)
(new-subnum 0)
(setq *cur-vars* nil)
(setq z (lex))
(and (atom z) (!%error "atomic conditions are not allowed" z))
(prepare-sublex z)
la (cond ((end-of-ce) (return nil)))
(go la)))
(de cmp-element nil
(and (eq (peek-sublex) '!^) (cmp-tab))
((eq (peek-sublex) '!{) (cmp-product))
(t (cmp-atomic-or-any))))
(de cmp-atomic-or-any nil
(cond ((eq (peek-sublex) '<<) (cmp-any)) (t (cmp-atomic))))
(de cmp-any nil
(prog (a z)
(setq z nil)
la (cond ((end-of-ce) (!%error "missing '>>" a)))
(setq a (sublex))
(cond ((not (eq '>> a)) (setq z (cons a z)) (go la)))
(link-new-node (list '&any nil (current-field) z))))
(de cmp-tab nil
(prog (r)
(setq r (sublex))
(setq r ($litbind r))
(new-subnum r)))
(de $litbind (x)
(prog (r)
((and (idp x) (setq r (literal-binding-of x)))
(return r))
(t (return x)))) )
(de get-bind (x)
(prog (r)
((and (idp x) (setq r (literal-binding-of x)))
(return r))
(t (return nil)))) )
(de cmp-atomic nil
(prog (test x)
(setq x (peek-sublex))
((eq x '= ) (setq test 'eq) (sublex))
((eq x '<> ) (setq test 'ne) (sublex))
((eq x '< ) (setq test 'lt) (sublex))
((eq x '<= ) (setq test 'le) (sublex))
((eq x '> ) (setq test 'gt) (sublex))
((eq x '>= ) (setq test 'ge) (sublex))
((eq x '<=>) (setq test 'xx) (sublex))
(t (setq test 'eq)))
(cmp-symbol test)))
(de cmp-product nil
(prog (save)
(setq save (rest-of-ce))
la (cond
((member '!} save)
(!%error "wrong contex for '}" save))
(t (!%error "missing '}" save))))
((eq (peek-sublex) '!}) (sublex) (return nil)))
(go la)))
(de variablep (x)
(cond ((not (idp x)) nil)
((flagp x 'nonvariable) nil)
((flagp x 'variable) t)
((eq (car (explode x)) '<)
(flag (list x) 'variable)
(t (flag (list x) 'nonvariable) nil)))
(de cmp-symbol (test)
(prog (flag)
(setq flag t)
(cond ((eq (peek-sublex) '!/) (sublex) (setq flag nil)))
((and flag (variablep (peek-sublex))) (cmp-var test))
((numberp (peek-sublex)) (cmp-number test))
((idp (peek-sublex)) (cmp-constant test))
(t (!%error "unrecognized symbol" (sublex)))) ))
(de cmp-constant (test)
(memq test '(eq ne xx))
"non-numeric constant after numeric predicate"
(list (get test 'ta) nil (current-field) (sublex))))
(de cmp-number (test)
(list (get test 'tn) nil (current-field) (sublex))))
(de current-field nil (field-name *subnum*))
(de field-name (num)
((igreaterp num 64) (!%error "condition is too long" (rest-of-ce)))
(t num)))
%%% Compiling variables
% *cur-vars* are the variables in the condition element currently
% being compiled. *vars* are the variables in the earlier condition
% elements. *ce-vars* are the condition element variables. note
% that the interpreter will not confuse condition element and regular
% variables even if they have the same name.
% *cur-vars* is a list of triples: (name predicate subelement-number)
% eg: ( (<x> eq 3)
% (<y> ne 1)
% . . . )
% *vars* is a list of triples: (name ce-number subelement-number)
% eg: ( (<x> 3 3)
% (<y> 1 1)
% . . . )
% *ce-vars* is a list of pairs: (name ce-number)
% eg: ( (ce1 1)
% (<c3> 3)
% . . . )
(de var-dope (var) (atsoc var *vars*))
(de ce-var-dope (var) (atsoc var *ce-vars*))
(de cmp-var (test)
(prog (old name)
(setq name (sublex))
(setq old (atsoc name *cur-vars*))
((and old (eq (cadr old) 'eq)) (cmp-old-eq-var test old))
((and old (eq test 'eq)) (cmp-new-eq-var name old))
(t (cmp-new-var name test)))) )
(de cmp-new-var (name test)
(setq *cur-vars* (cons (list name test *subnum*) *cur-vars*)))
(de cmp-old-eq-var (test old)
(get test 'ts)
(field-name (caddr old)))) )
(de cmp-new-eq-var (name old)
(prog (pred next)
(setq *cur-vars* (delq old *cur-vars*))
(setq next (atsoc name *cur-vars*))
(next (cmp-new-eq-var name next))
(t (cmp-new-var name 'eq)))
(setq pred (cadr old))
(get pred 'ts)
(field-name (caddr old))
(current-field)))) )
(de cmp-cevar nil
(prog (name old)
(setq name (lex))
(setq old (atsoc name *ce-vars*))
(!%error "condition element variable used twice" name))
(setq *ce-vars* (cons (list name 0) *ce-vars*))))
(de cmp-not nil (cmp-beta '¬))
(de cmp-nobeta nil (cmp-beta nil))
(de cmp-and nil (cmp-beta '&and))
(de cmp-beta (kind)
(prog (tlist vdope vname vpred vpos old)
(setq tlist nil)
la (cond ((atom *cur-vars*) (go lb)))
(setq vdope (car *cur-vars*))
(setq *cur-vars* (cdr *cur-vars*))
(setq vname (car vdope))
(setq vpred (cadr vdope))
(setq vpos (caddr vdope))
(setq old (atsoc vname *vars*))
(old (setq tlist (add-test tlist vdope old)))
((neq kind '¬) (promote-var vdope)))
(go la)
lb (and kind (build-beta kind tlist))
(or (eq kind '¬) (fudge))
(setq *last-branch* *last-node*)))
(de add-test (list new old)
(prog (ttype lloc rloc)
(setq *feature-count* (iadd1 *feature-count*))
(setq ttype (get (cadr new) 'tb))
(setq rloc (encode-singleton (caddr new)))
(setq lloc (encode-pair (cadr old) (caddr old)))
(return (cons ttype (cons lloc (cons rloc list)))) ))
% the following two functions encode indices so that gelm can
% decode them as fast as possible
(de encode-pair (a b) (iplus (times 10000 (sub1 a)) (isub1 b)))
(de encode-singleton (a) (isub1 a))
(de promote-var (dope)
(prog (vname vpred vpos new)
(setq vname (car dope))
(setq vpred (cadr dope))
(setq vpos (caddr dope))
(eq 'eq vpred)
"illegal predicate for first occurrence"
(list vname vpred)))
(setq new (list vname 0 vpos))
(setq *vars* (cons new *vars*))))
(de fudge nil
(!!mapc (function fudge*) *vars*)
(!!mapc (function fudge*) *ce-vars*))
(de fudge* (z)
(prog (a)
(setq a (cdr z))
(rplaca a (iadd1 (car a)))) )
(de build-beta (type tests)
(prog (rpred lpred lnode lef)
(link-new-node (list '&mem nil nil (protomem)))
(setq rpred *last-node*)
((eq type '&and)
(setq lnode (list '&mem nil nil (protomem))))
(t (setq lnode (list '&two nil nil))))
(setq lpred (link-to-branch lnode))
((eq type '&and) (setq lef lpred))
(t (setq lef (protomem))))
(link-new-beta-node (list type nil lef rpred tests))))
(de protomem nil (list nil))
(de memory-part (mem-node) (car (cadddr mem-node)))
(de encode-dope nil
(prog (r all z k)
(setq r nil)
(setq all *vars*)
la (cond ((atom all) (return r)))
(setq z (car all))
(setq all (cdr all))
(setq k (encode-pair (cadr z) (caddr z)))
(setq r (cons (car z) (cons k r)))
(go la)))
(de encode-ce-dope nil
(prog (r all z k)
(setq r nil)
(setq all *ce-vars*)
la (cond ((atom all) (return r)))
(setq z (car all))
(setq all (cdr all))
(setq k (cadr z))
(setq r (cons (car z) (cons k r)))
(go la)))
%%% Linking the nodes
(de link-new-node (r)
((not (member (car r) '(&p &mem &two &and ¬)))
(setq *feature-count* (iadd1 *feature-count*))))
(setq *virtual-cnt* (iadd1 *virtual-cnt*))
(setq *last-node* (link-left *last-node* r)))
(de link-to-branch (r)
(setq *virtual-cnt* (iadd1 *virtual-cnt*))
(setq *last-branch* (link-left *last-branch* r)))
(de link-new-beta-node (r)
(setq *virtual-cnt* (iadd1 *virtual-cnt*))
(setq *last-node* (link-both *last-branch* *last-node* r))
(setq *last-branch* *last-node*))
(de link-left (pred succ)
(prog (a r)
(setq a (left-outs pred))
(setq r (find-equiv-node succ a))
(cond (r (return r)))
(setq *real-cnt* (iadd1 *real-cnt*))
(attach-left pred succ)
(return succ)))
(de link-both (left right succ)
(prog (a r)
(setq a (interq (left-outs left) (right-outs right)))
(setq r (find-equiv-beta-node succ a))
(cond (r (return r)))
(setq *real-cnt* (iadd1 *real-cnt*))
(attach-left left succ)
(attach-right right succ)
(return succ)))
(de attach-right (old new)
(rplaca (cddr old) (cons new (caddr old))))
(de attach-left (old new) (rplaca (cdr old) (cons new (cadr old))))
(de right-outs (node) (caddr node))
(de left-outs (node) (cadr node))
(de find-equiv-node (node list)
(prog (a)
(setq a list)
l1 (cond
((atom a) (return nil))
((equiv node (car a)) (return (car a))))
(setq a (cdr a))
(go l1)))
(de find-equiv-beta-node (node list)
(prog (a)
(setq a list)
l1 (cond
((atom a) (return nil))
((beta-equiv node (car a)) (return (car a))))
(setq a (cdr a))
(go l1)))
% do not look at the predecessor fields of beta nodes; they have to be
% identical because of the way the candidate nodes were found
(de equiv (a b)
(eq (car a) (car b))
(eq (car a) '&mem)
(eq (car a) '&two)
(equal (caddr a) (caddr b)))
(equal (cdddr a) (cdddr b))))
(de beta-equiv (a b)
(eq (car a) (car b))
(equal (cddddr a) (cddddr b))
(or (eq (car a) '&and) (equal (caddr a) (caddr b)))) )
% the equivalence tests are set up to consider the contents of
% node memories, so they are ready for the build action
%%% Network interpreter
(de match (flag wme)
(sendto flag (list wme) 'left (list *first-node*)))
% note that eval-nodelist is not set up to handle building
% productions. would have to add something like ops4's build-flag
(de eval-nodelist (nl)
(prog nil
top (cond ((null nl) (return nil)))
(setq *sendtocall* nil)
(setq *last-node* (car nl))
(apply (caar nl) (cdar nl))
(setq nl (cdr nl))
(go top)))
(de sendto (flag data side nl)
(prog nil
top (cond ((not nl) (return nil)))
(setq *side* side)
(setq *flag-part* flag)
(setq *data-part* data)
(setq *sendtocall* t)
(setq *last-node* (car nl))
(apply (caar nl) (cdar nl))
(setq nl (cdr nl))
(go top)))
% &bus sets up the registers for the one-input nodes.
% Heavily modified by JPff
(de &bus (outs)
(prog (dp i)
(setq i 1)
(setq *alpha-flag-part* *flag-part*)
(setq dp (car (setq *alpha-data-part* *data-part*)))
(while dp
(putv *cvec* i (car dp))
(setq i (iadd1 i))
(setq dp (cdr dp))))
(setq i (isub1 i))
((ilessp i *cvec-least*)
(prog (j)
(setq j (iadd1 i))
(while (ilessp j *cvec-least*)
(progn (putv *cvec* j nil)
(setq j (iadd1 j)))))))
(setq *cvec-least* i)
(eval-nodelist outs)))
(de &any (outs register const-list)
(prog (z c)
(setq z (getv *cvec* register))
(cond ((numberp z) (go number)))
((null const-list) (return nil))
((eq (car const-list) z) (go ok))
(t (setq const-list (cdr const-list)) (go symbol)))
((null const-list) (return nil))
((and (numberp (setq c (car const-list))) (=alg c z))
(go ok))
(t (setq const-list (cdr const-list)) (go number)))
ok (eval-nodelist outs)))
(de teqa (outs register constant)
(and (eq (getv *cvec* register) constant) (eval-nodelist outs)))
(put 'eq 'ta 'teqa)
(de tnea (outs register constant)
(not (eq (getv *cvec* register) constant))
(eval-nodelist outs)))
(put 'ne 'ta 'tnea)
(de txxa (outs register constant)
(and (idp (getv *cvec* register)) (eval-nodelist outs)))
(put 'xx 'ta 'txxa)
(de teqn (outs register constant)
(prog (z)
(setq z (getv *cvec* register))
(and (numberp z) (=alg z constant) (eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'eq 'tn 'teqn)
(de tnen (outs register constant)
(prog (z)
(setq z (getv *cvec* register))
(or (not (numberp z)) (not (=alg z constant)))
(eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'ne 'tn 'tnen)
(de txxn (outs register constant)
(and (numberp (getv *cvec* register)) (eval-nodelist outs)))
(put 'xx 'tn 'txxn)
(de tltn (outs register constant)
(prog (z)
(setq z (getv *cvec* register))
(and (numberp z) (greaterp constant z) (eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'lt 'tn 'tltn)
(de tgtn (outs register constant)
(prog (z)
(setq z (getv *cvec* register))
(and (numberp z) (greaterp z constant) (eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'gt 'tn 'tgtn)
(de tgen (outs register constant)
(prog (z)
(setq z (getv *cvec* register))
(numberp z)
(not (greaterp constant z))
(eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'ge 'tn 'tgen)
(de tlen (outs register constant)
(prog (z)
(setq z (getv *cvec* register))
(numberp z)
(not (greaterp z constant))
(eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'le 'tn 'tlen)
(de teqs (outs vara varb)
(prog (a b)
(setq a (getv *cvec* vara))
(setq b (getv *cvec* varb))
((eq a b) (eval-nodelist outs))
((and (numberp a) (numberp b) (=alg a b))
(eval-nodelist outs)))) )
(put 'eq 'ts 'teqs)
(de tnes (outs vara varb)
(prog (a b)
(setq a (getv *cvec* vara))
(setq b (getv *cvec* varb))
((eq a b) (return nil))
((and (numberp a) (numberp b) (=alg a b)) (return nil))
(t (eval-nodelist outs)))) )
(put 'ne 'ts 'tnes)
(de txxs (outs vara varb)
(prog (a b)
(setq a (getv *cvec* vara))
(setq b (getv *cvec* varb))
((and (numberp a) (numberp b)) (eval-nodelist outs))
((and (not (numberp a)) (not (numberp b)))
(eval-nodelist outs)))) )
(put 'xx 'ts 'txxs)
(de tlts (outs vara varb)
(prog (a b)
(setq a (getv *cvec* vara))
(setq b (getv *cvec* varb))
(numberp a)
(numberp b)
(greaterp b a)
(eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'lt 'ts 'tlts)
(de tgts (outs vara varb)
(prog (a b)
(setq a (getv *cvec* vara))
(setq b (getv *cvec* varb))
(numberp a)
(numberp b)
(greaterp a b)
(eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'gt 'ts 'tgts)
(de tges (outs vara varb)
(prog (a b)
(setq a (getv *cvec* vara))
(setq b (getv *cvec* varb))
(numberp a)
(numberp b)
(not (greaterp b a))
(eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'ge 'ts 'tges)
(de tles (outs vara varb)
(prog (a b)
(setq a (getv *cvec* vara))
(setq b (getv *cvec* varb))
(numberp a)
(numberp b)
(not (greaterp a b))
(eval-nodelist outs))))
(put 'le 'ts 'tles)
(de &two (left-outs right-outs)
(prog (fp dp)
(*sendtocall* (setq fp *flag-part*) (setq dp *data-part*))
(t (setq fp *alpha-flag-part*) (setq dp *alpha-data-part*)))
(sendto fp dp 'left left-outs)
(sendto fp dp 'right right-outs)))
(de &mem (left-outs right-outs memory-list)
(prog (fp dp)
(*sendtocall* (setq fp *flag-part*) (setq dp *data-part*))
(t (setq fp *alpha-flag-part*) (setq dp *alpha-data-part*)))
(sendto fp dp 'left left-outs)
(add-token memory-list fp dp nil)
(sendto fp dp 'right right-outs)))
(de &and (outs lpred rpred tests)
(prog (mem)
((eq *side* 'right)
((not (setq mem (memory-part lpred))) (return nil))
(t (and-right outs mem tests))))
((not (setq mem (memory-part rpred))) (return nil))
(t (and-left outs mem tests)))))
(de and-left (outs mem tests)
(prog (fp dp memdp tlist tst lind rind res)
(setq fp *flag-part*)
(setq dp *data-part*)
fail (cond ((null mem) (return nil)))
(setq memdp (car mem))
(setq mem (cdr mem))
(setq tlist tests)
tloop (cond ((null tlist) (go succ)))
(setq tst (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq lind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq rind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
%% the next line differs in and-left & -right
(setq res (tst (gelm memdp rind) (gelm dp lind)))
(cond (res (go tloop)) (t (go fail)))
succ %% the next line differs in and-left & -right
(sendto fp (cons (car memdp) dp) 'left outs)
(go fail)))
(de and-right (outs mem tests)
(prog (fp dp memdp tlist tst lind rind res)
(setq fp *flag-part*)
(setq dp *data-part*)
fail (cond ((null mem) (return nil)))
(setq memdp (car mem))
(setq mem (cdr mem))
(setq tlist tests)
tloop (cond ((null tlist) (go succ)))
(setq tst (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq lind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq rind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
%% the next line differs in and-left & -right
(setq res (tst (gelm dp rind) (gelm memdp lind)))
(cond (res (go tloop)) (t (go fail)))
succ %% the next line differs in and-left & -right
(sendto fp (cons (car dp) memdp) 'right outs)
(go fail)))
(de teqb (new eqvar)
((eq new eqvar) t)
((not (numberp new)) nil)
((not (numberp eqvar)) nil)
((=alg new eqvar) t)
(t nil)))
(put 'eq 'tb 'teqb)
(de tneb (new eqvar)
((eq new eqvar) nil)
((not (numberp new)) t)
((not (numberp eqvar)) t)
((=alg new eqvar) nil)
(t t)))
(put 'ne 'tb 'tneb)
(de tltb (new eqvar)
((not (numberp new)) nil)
((not (numberp eqvar)) nil)
((greaterp eqvar new) t)
(t nil)))
(put 'lt 'tb 'tltb)
(de tgtb (new eqvar)
((not (numberp new)) nil)
((not (numberp eqvar)) nil)
((greaterp new eqvar) t)
(t nil)))
(put 'gt 'tb 'tgtb)
(de tgeb (new eqvar)
((not (numberp new)) nil)
((not (numberp eqvar)) nil)
((not (greaterp eqvar new)) t)
(t nil)))
(put 'ge 'tb 'tgeb)
(de tleb (new eqvar)
((not (numberp new)) nil)
((not (numberp eqvar)) nil)
((not (greaterp new eqvar)) t)
(t nil)))
(put 'le 'tb 'tleb)
(de txxb (new eqvar)
((numberp new) (cond ((numberp eqvar) t) (t nil)))
(t (cond ((numberp eqvar) nil) (t t)))) )
(put 'xx 'tb 'txxb)
(de &p (rating name var-dope ce-var-dope rhs)
(prog (fp dp)
(*sendtocall* (setq fp *flag-part*) (setq dp *data-part*))
(t (setq fp *alpha-flag-part*) (setq dp *alpha-data-part*)))
(and (memq fp '(nil old)) (removecs name dp))
(and fp (insertcs name dp rating))))
(de &old (a b c d e) nil)
(de ¬ (outs lmem rpred tests)
((eq *side* 'right)
(cond ((eq *flag-part* 'old) nil)
(t (not-right outs (car lmem) tests))))
(t (not-left outs (memory-part rpred) tests lmem))))
(de not-left (outs mem tests own-mem)
(prog (fp dp memdp tlist tst lind rind res c)
(setq fp *flag-part*)
(setq dp *data-part*)
(setq c 0)
fail (cond ((null mem) (go fin)))
(setq memdp (car mem))
(setq mem (cdr mem))
(setq tlist tests)
tloop (cond ((null tlist) (setq c (iadd1 c)) (go fail)))
(setq tst (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq lind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq rind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
%% the next line differs in not-left & -right
(setq res (tst (gelm memdp rind) (gelm dp lind)))
(cond (res (go tloop)) (t (go fail)))
fin (add-token own-mem fp dp c)
(cond ((izerop c) (sendto fp dp 'left outs)))))
(de not-right (outs mem tests)
(prog (fp dp memdp tlist tst lind rind res newfp inc newc)
(setq fp *flag-part*)
(setq dp *data-part*)
((not fp) (setq inc (!!minus 1)) (setq newfp 'new))
((eq fp 'new) (setq inc 1) (setq newfp nil))
(t (return nil)))
fail (cond ((null mem) (return nil)))
(setq memdp (car mem))
(setq newc (cadr mem))
(setq tlist tests)
tloop (cond ((null tlist) (go succ)))
(setq tst (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq lind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
(setq rind (car tlist))
(setq tlist (cdr tlist))
%% the next line differs in not-left & -right
(setq res (tst (gelm dp rind) (gelm memdp lind)))
(cond (res (go tloop)) (t (setq mem (cddr mem)) (go fail)))
succ (setq newc (iplus inc newc))
(rplaca (cdr mem) newc)
(and (eq inc (!!minus 1)) (eq newc 0))
(and (eq inc 1) (eq newc 1)))
(sendto newfp memdp 'right outs)))
(setq mem (cddr mem))
(go fail)))
%%% Node memories
%(de add-token (memlis flag data-part num)
% (prog (was-present)
% (cond
% ((eq flag 'new)
% (setq was-present nil)
% (real-add-token memlis data-part num))
% ((not flag)
% (setq was-present (remove-old memlis data-part num)))
% ((eq flag 'old) (setq was-present t)))
% (return was-present)))
(de add-token (memlis flag data-part num)
((eq flag 'new) (real-add-token memlis data-part num) nil)
((not flag) (remove-old memlis data-part num) nil)
((eq flag 'old) t)
(t nil)))
(de real-add-token (lis data-part num)
(setq *current-token* (iadd1 *current-token*))
(cond (num (rplaca lis (cons num (car lis)))) )
(rplaca lis (cons data-part (car lis))))
(de remove-old (lis data num)
(num (remove-old-num lis data))
(t (remove-old-no-num lis data))))
(de remove-old-num (lis data)
(prog (m next last)
(setq m (car lis))
((atom m) (return nil))
((top-levels-eq data (car m))
(setq *current-token* (isub1 *current-token*))
(rplaca lis (cddr m))
(return (car m))))
(setq next m)
loop (setq last next)
(setq next (cddr next))
((atom next) (return nil))
((top-levels-eq data (car next))
(rplacd (cdr last) (cddr next))
(setq *current-token* (isub1 *current-token*))
(return (car next)))
(t (go loop)))) )
(de remove-old-no-num (lis data)
(prog (m next last)
(setq m (car lis))
((atom m) (return nil))
((top-levels-eq data (car m))
(setq *current-token* (isub1 *current-token*))
(rplaca lis (cdr m))
(return (car m))))
(setq next m)
loop (setq last next)
(setq next (cdr next))
((atom next) (return nil))
((top-levels-eq data (car next))
(rplacd last (cdr next))
(setq *current-token* (isub1 *current-token*))
(return (car next)))
(t (go loop)))) )
%%% Conflict Resolution
% each conflict set element is a list of the following form:
% ((p-name . data-part) (sorted wm-recency) special-case-number)
(de removecs (name data)
(prog (cr-data inst cs)
(setq cr-data (cons name data))
(setq cs *conflict-set*)
l: (cond ((null cs) (record-refract name data) (return nil)))
(setq inst (car cs))
(setq cs (cdr cs))
(cond ((not (top-levels-eq (car inst) cr-data)) (go l:)))
(setq *conflict-set* (delq inst *conflict-set*))))
(de insertcs (name data rating)
(prog (instan)
(cond ((refracted name data) (return nil)))
(setq instan (list (cons name data) (order-tags data) rating))
(and (atom *conflict-set*) (setq *conflict-set* nil))
(return (setq *conflict-set* (cons instan *conflict-set*)))) )
(de order-tags (dat)
(prog (tags)
(setq tags nil)
l1: (cond ((atom dat) (go l2:)))
(setq tags (cons (creation-time (car dat)) tags))
(setq dat (cdr dat))
(go l1:)
l2: (cond
((eq *strategy* 'mea)
(return (cons (car tags) (dsort (cdr tags)))) )
(t (return (dsort tags)))) ))
% destructively sort x into descending order
(de dsort (x)
(prog (sorted cur next cval nval)
(cond ((atom (cdr x)) (return x)))
loop (setq sorted t)
(setq cur x)
(setq next (cdr x))
chek (setq cval (car cur))
(setq nval (car next))
((greaterp nval cval)
(setq sorted nil)
(rplaca cur nval)
(rplaca next cval)))
(setq cur next)
(setq next (cdr cur))
((not (null next)) (go chek))
(sorted (return x))
(t (go loop)))) )
(de conflict-resolution nil
(prog (best len)
(setq len (length *conflict-set*))
(cond ((igreaterp len *max-cs*) (setq *max-cs* len)))
(setq *total-cs* (iplus *total-cs* len))
(setq best (best-of *conflict-set*))
(setq *conflict-set* (delq best *conflict-set*))
(return (pname-instantiation best)))
(t (return nil)))) )
(de best-of (set) (best-of* (car set) (cdr set)))
(de best-of* (best rem)
((not rem) best)
((conflict-set-compare best (car rem))
(best-of* best (cdr rem)))
(t (best-of* (car rem) (cdr rem)))) )
(de remove-from-conflict-set (name)
(prog (cs entry)
l1 (setq cs *conflict-set*)
l2 (cond ((atom cs) (return nil)))
(setq entry (car cs))
(setq cs (cdr cs))
((eq name (caar entry))
(setq *conflict-set* (delq entry *conflict-set*))
(go l1))
(t (go l2)))) )
(de pname-instantiation (conflict-elem) (car conflict-elem))
(de order-part (conflict-elem) (cdr conflict-elem))
(de instantiation (conflict-elem)
(cdr (pname-instantiation conflict-elem)))
(de conflict-set-compare (x y)
(prog (x-order y-order xl yl xv yv)
(setq x-order (order-part x))
(setq y-order (order-part y))
(setq xl (car x-order))
(setq yl (car y-order))
data (cond
((and (null xl) (null yl)) (go ps))
((null yl) (return t))
((null xl) (return nil)))
(setq xv (car xl))
(setq yv (car yl))
((greaterp xv yv) (return t))
((greaterp yv xv) (return nil)))
(setq xl (cdr xl))
(setq yl (cdr yl))
(go data)
ps (setq xl (cdr x-order))
(setq yl (cdr y-order))
psl (cond ((null xl) (return t)))
(setq xv (car xl))
(setq yv (car yl))
((greaterp xv yv) (return t))
((greaterp yv xv) (return nil)))
(setq xl (cdr xl))
(setq yl (cdr yl))
(go psl)))
(de conflict-set nil
(prog (cnts cs p z best)
(setq cnts nil)
(setq cs *conflict-set*)
l1: (cond ((atom cs) (go l2:)))
(setq p (caaar cs))
(setq cs (cdr cs))
(setq z (atsoc p cnts))
((null z) (setq cnts (cons (cons p 1) cnts)))
(t (rplacd z (iadd1 (cdr z)))) )
(go l1:)
l2: (cond
((atom cnts)
(setq best (best-of *conflict-set*))
(return (list (caar best) 'dominates))))
(princ (caar cnts))
((greaterp (cdar cnts) 1)
(princ " (")
(princ (cdar cnts))
(princ " occurrences)")))
(setq cnts (cdr cnts))
(go l2:)))
%%% WM maintaining functions
% The order of operations in the following two functions is critical.
% add-to-wm order: (1) change wm (2) record change (3) match
% remove-from-wm order: (1) record change (2) match (3) change wm
% (back will not restore state properly unless wm changes are recorded
% before the cs changes that they cause) (match will give errors if
% the thing matched is not in wm at the time)
(de add-to-wm (wme override)
(prog (fa z part timetag port)
(setq *critical* t)
(setq *current-wm* (iadd1 *current-wm*))
(greaterp *current-wm* *max-wm*)
(setq *max-wm* *current-wm*))
(setq *action-count* (iadd1 *action-count*))
(setq fa (wm-hash wme))
(memq fa *wmpart-list*)
(setq *wmpart-list* (cons fa *wmpart-list*)))
(setq part (get fa 'wmpart*))
(override (setq timetag override))
(t (setq timetag *action-count*)))
(setq z (cons wme timetag))
(putprop fa (cons z part) 'wmpart*)
(record-change '=>wm *action-count* wme)
(match 'new wme)
(setq *critical* nil)
((and *in-rhs* *wtrace*)
(setq port (trace-file))
(terpri port)
(!!princ "=>wm: " port)
(ppelm wme port)))) )
% remove-from-wm uses eq, not equal to determine if wme is present
(de remove-from-wm (wme)
(prog (fa z part timetag port)
(setq fa (wm-hash wme))
(setq part (get fa 'wmpart*))
(setq z (atsoc wme part))
(cond ((null z) (return nil)))
(setq timetag (cdr z))
((and *wtrace* *in-rhs*)
(setq port (trace-file))
(terpri port)
(!!princ "<=wm: " port)
(ppelm wme port)))
(setq *action-count* (iadd1 *action-count*))
(setq *critical* t)
(setq *current-wm* (sub1 *current-wm*))
(record-change '<=wm timetag wme)
(match nil wme)
(putprop fa (delq z part) 'wmpart*)
(setq *critical* nil)))
% mapwm maps down the elements of wm, applying fn to each element
% each element is of form (datum . creation-time)
(de mapwm (fn)
(prog (wmpl part)
(setq wmpl *wmpart-list*)
lab1 (cond ((atom wmpl) (return nil)))
(setq part (get (car wmpl) 'wmpart*))
(setq wmpl (cdr wmpl))
(!!mapc fn part)
(go lab1)))
(df wm a
(!!mapc (function (lambda (z) (terpri) (ppelm z nil))) (get-wm a))
(de get-wm (z)
(setq *wm-filter* z)
(setq *wm* nil)
(mapwm (function get-wm2))
(prog1 *wm* (setq *wm* nil)))
(de get-wm2 (elem)
((or (null *wm-filter*) (member (cdr elem) *wm-filter*))
(setq *wm* (cons (car elem) *wm*)))) )
(de wm-hash (x)
((not x) '<default>)
((not (car x)) (wm-hash (cdr x)))
((idp (car x)) (car x))
(t (wm-hash (cdr x)))) )
(de creation-time (wme)
(cdr (atsoc wme (get (wm-hash wme) 'wmpart*))))
(de refresh nil
(prog nil
(setq *old-wm* nil)
(mapwm (function refresh-collect))
(!!mapc (function refresh-del) *old-wm*)
(!!mapc (function refresh-add) *old-wm*)
(setq *old-wm* nil)))
(de refresh-collect (x) (setq *old-wm* (cons x *old-wm*)))
(de refresh-del (x) (remove-from-wm (car x)))
(de refresh-add (x) (add-to-wm (car x) (cdr x)))
(de trace-file ()
(prog (port)
(setq port nil)
(setq port ($ofile *trace-file*))
((null port)
(!%warn "trace: file has been closed" *trace-file*)
(setq port nil)))) )
(return port)))
%%% Basic functions for RHS evaluation
(de eval-rhs (pname data)
(prog (node port)
(setq port (trace-file))
(terpri port)
(!!princ *cycle-count* port)
(!!princ ". " port)
(!!princ pname port)
(time-tag-print data port)))
(setq *data-matched* data)
(setq *p-name* pname)
(setq *last* nil)
(setq node (get pname 'topnode))
(init-var-mem (var-part node))
(init-ce-var-mem (ce-var-part node))
(begin-record pname data)
(setq *in-rhs* t)
(eval (rhs-part node))
(setq *in-rhs* nil)
(de time-tag-print (data port)
((not (null data))
(time-tag-print (cdr data) port)
(!!princ " " port)
(!!princ (creation-time (car data)) port))))
(de init-var-mem (vlist)
(prog (v ind r)
(setq *variable-memory* nil)
top (cond ((atom vlist) (return nil)))
(setq v (car vlist))
(setq ind (cadr vlist))
(setq vlist (cddr vlist))
(setq r (gelm *data-matched* ind))
(setq *variable-memory* (cons (cons v r) *variable-memory*))
(go top)))
(de init-ce-var-mem (vlist)
(prog (v ind r)
(setq *ce-variable-memory* nil)
top (cond ((atom vlist) (return nil)))
(setq v (car vlist))
(setq ind (cadr vlist))
(setq vlist (cddr vlist))
(setq r (ce-gelm *data-matched* ind))
(setq *ce-variable-memory*
(cons (cons v r) *ce-variable-memory*))
(go top)))
(de make-ce-var-bind (var elem)
(setq *ce-variable-memory*
(cons (cons var elem) *ce-variable-memory*)))
(de make-var-bind (var elem)
(setq *variable-memory* (cons (cons var elem) *variable-memory*)))
(de $varbind (x)
(prog (r)
(cond ((not *in-rhs*) (return x)))
(setq r (atsoc x *variable-memory*))
(cond (r (return (cdr r))) (t (return x)))) )
(de get-ce-var-bind (x)
(prog (r)
(cond ((numberp x) (return (get-num-ce x))))
(setq r (atsoc x *ce-variable-memory*))
(cond (r (return (cdr r))) (t (return nil)))) )
(de get-num-ce (x)
(prog (r l d)
(setq r *data-matched*)
(setq l (length r))
(setq d (difference l x))
(cond ((greaterp 0 d) (return nil)))
la (cond
((null r) (return nil))
((greaterp 1 d) (return (car r))))
(setq d (sub1 d))
(setq r (cdr r))
(go la)))
(de build-collect (z)
(prog (r)
la (cond ((atom z) (return nil)))
(setq r (car z))
(setq z (cdr z))
((pairp r) ($value '!() (build-collect r) ($value '!) ))
((eq r '!!) ($change (car z)) (setq z (cdr z)))
(t ($value r)))
(go la)))
(de unflat (x) (setq *rest* x) (unflat*))
(de unflat* nil
(prog (c)
(cond ((atom *rest*) (return nil)))
(setq c (car *rest*))
(setq *rest* (cdr *rest*))
((eq c '!() (return (cons (unflat*) (unflat*))))
((eq c '!)) (return nil))
(t (return (cons c (unflat*)))) )))
(de $change (x)
(prog nil
((pairp x) (eval-function x))
(t ($value ($varbind x)))) ))
(de eval-args (z)
(prog (r)
(rhs-tab 1)
la (cond ((atom z) (return nil)))
(setq r (car z))
(setq z (cdr z))
((eq r '!^)
(rhs-tab (car z))
(setq r (cadr z))
(setq z (cddr z))))
((eq r '!/) ($value (car z)) (setq z (cdr z)))
(t ($change r)))
(go la)))
(de eval-function (form)
((not *in-rhs*)
(!%warn "functions cannot be used at top level" (car form)))
(t (eval form))))
%%% Functions to manipulate the result array
(de $reset nil (setq *max-index* 0) (setq *next-index* 1))
% rhs-tab implements the tab ('^') function in the rhs. it has
% four responsibilities:
% - to move the array pointers
% - to watch for tabbing off the left end of the array
% (ie, to watch for pointers less than 1)
% - to watch for tabbing off the right end of the array
% - to write nil in all the slots that are skipped
% the last is necessary if the result array is not to be cleared
% after each use% if rhs-tab did not do this, $reset
% would be much slower.
(de rhs-tab (z) ($tab ($varbind z)))
(de $tab (z)
(prog (edge next)
(setq next ($litbind z))
(and (floatp next) (setq next (fix next)))
(not (numberp next))
(greaterp next *size-result-array*)
(greaterp 1 next))
(!%warn "illegal index after ^" next)
(return *next-index*)))
(setq edge (isub1 next))
(cond ((greaterp *max-index* edge) (go ok)))
clear (cond ((eq *max-index* edge) (go ok)))
(putv *result-array* edge nil)
(setq edge (isub1 edge))
(go clear)
ok (setq *next-index* next)
(return next)))
(de $value (v)
((greaterp *next-index* *size-result-array*)
(!%warn "index too large" *next-index*))
(t (and
(greaterp *next-index* *max-index*)
(setq *max-index* *next-index*))
(putv *result-array* *next-index* v)
(setq *next-index* (iadd1 *next-index*)))) )
(de use-result-array nil
(prog (k r)
(setq k *max-index*)
(setq r nil)
top (cond ((eq k 0) (return r)))
(setq r (cons (getv *result-array* k) r))
(setq k (isub1 k))
(go top)))
(de $assert nil
(setq *last* (use-result-array))
(add-to-wm *last* nil))
(de $parametercount nil *max-index*)
(de $parameter (k)
(not (numberp k))
(igreaterp k *size-result-array*)
(ilessp k 1))
(!%warn "illegal parameter number " k)
((igreaterp k *max-index*) nil)
(t (getv *result-array* k))))
%%% RHS actions
(df make z
(prog nil
(eval-args z)
(df modify z
(prog (old)
((not *in-rhs*)
(!%warn "cannot be called at top level" 'modify)
(return nil)))
(setq old (get-ce-var-bind (car z)))
((null old)
"modify: first argument must be an element variable"
(car z))
(return nil)))
(remove-from-wm old)
(setq z (cdr z))
copy (cond ((atom old) (go fin)))
($change (car old))
(setq old (cdr old))
(go copy)
fin (eval-args z)
(df bind z
(prog (val)
((not *in-rhs*)
(!%warn "cannot be called at top level" 'bind)
(return nil)))
((ilessp (length z) 1)
(!%warn "bind: wrong number of arguments to" z)
(return nil))
((not (idp (car z)))
(!%warn "bind: illegal argument" (car z))
(return nil))
((eq (length z) 1) (setq val (gensym)))
(t ($reset) (eval-args (cdr z)) (setq val ($parameter 1))))
(make-var-bind (car z) val)))
(df cbind z
((not *in-rhs*)
(!%warn "cannot be called at top level" 'cbind))
((not (eq (length z) 1))
(!%warn "cbind: wrong number of arguments" z))
((not (idp (car z)))
(!%warn "cbind: illegal argument" (car z)))
((null *last*) (!%warn "cbind: nothing added yet" (car z)))
(t (make-ce-var-bind (car z) *last*))))
(df remove z
(prog (old)
(cond ((not *in-rhs*) (return (top-level-remove z))))
top (cond ((atom z) (return nil)))
(setq old (get-ce-var-bind (car z)))
((null old)
"remove: argument not an element variable"
(car z))
(return nil)))
(remove-from-wm old)
(setq z (cdr z))
(go top)))
(df call z
(prog (f)
(setq f (car z))
(eval-args (cdr z))
(df write z
(prog (port max k x needspace)
((not *in-rhs*)
(!%warn "cannot be called at top level" 'write)
(return nil)))
(eval-args z)
(setq k 1)
(setq max ($parametercount))
((ilessp max 1)
(!%warn "write: nothing to print" z)
(return nil)))
(setq port (default-write-file))
(setq x ($parameter 1))
((and (idp x) ($ofile x))
(setq port ($ofile x))
(setq k 2)))
(setq needspace t)
la (cond ((greaterp k max) (return nil)))
(setq x ($parameter k))
((eq x "=== C R L F ===")
(setq needspace nil)
(terpri port))
((eq x "=== R J U S T ===")
(setq k (iplus 2 k))
(do-rjust ($parameter (isub1 k)) ($parameter k) port))
((eq x "=== T A B T O ===")
(setq needspace nil)
(setq k (iadd1 k))
(do-tabto ($parameter k) port))
(t (and needspace (!!princ " " port))
(setq needspace t)
(!!princ x port)))
(setq k (iadd1 k))
(go la)))
(de default-write-file ()
(prog (port)
(setq port nil)
(setq port ($ofile *write-file*))
((null port)
(!%warn "write: file has been closed" *write-file*)
(setq port nil)))) )
(return port)))
(de do-rjust (width value port k)
(prog (size)
((eq value "=== T A B T O ===")
(!%warn "rjust cannot precede this function" 'tabto)
(return nil))
((eq value "=== C R L F ===")
(!%warn "rjust cannot precede this function" 'crlf)
(return nil))
((eq value "=== R J U S T ===")
(!%warn "rjust cannot precede this function" 'rjust)
(return nil)))
(setq size (flatc value (iadd1 width)))
((greaterp size width)
(!!princ " " port)
(!!princ value port)
(return nil)))
(setq k (difference width size))
(while (greaterp k 0)
(progn (setq k (isub1 k))
(!!princ " " port)))
(!!princ value port)))
(de do-tabto (col port)
(prog (pos k)
(setq pos (iadd1 (posn port)))
(cond ((greaterp pos col) (terpri port) (setq pos 1)))
(setq k (difference col pos))
(while (greaterp k 0)
(progn (setq k (isub1 k))
(!!princ " " port)))
(return nil)))
(de halt nil
((not *in-rhs*) (!%warn "cannot be called at top level" 'halt))
(t (setq *halt-flag* t))))
(de build z
(prog (r)
((not *in-rhs*)
(!%warn "cannot be called at top level" 'build)
(return nil)))
(build-collect z)
(setq r (unflat (use-result-array)))
(and *build-trace* (*build-trace* r))
(compile-production (car r) (cdr r))))
(df openfile z
(prog (file mode id)
(eval-args z)
((not (eq ($parametercount) 3))
(!%warn "openfile: wrong number of arguments" z)
(return nil)))
(setq id ($parameter 1))
(setq file ($parameter 2))
(setq mode ($parameter 3))
((not (idp id))
(!%warn "openfile: file id must be a symbolic atom" id)
(return nil))
((null id)
"openfile: 'nil' is reserved for the terminal"
(return nil))
((or ($ifile id) ($ofile id))
(!%warn "openfile: name already in use" id)
(return nil)))
((eq mode 'in) (putprop id (open file 'input) 'inputfile))
((eq mode 'out) (putprop id (open file 'output) 'outputfile))
(t (!%warn "openfile: illegal mode" mode) (return nil)))
(return nil)))
(de $ifile (x) (get x 'inputfile))
(de $ofile (x) (get x 'outputfile))
(df closefile z
(eval-args z)
(!!mapc (function closefile2) (use-result-array)))
(de closefile2 (file)
(prog (port)
((not (idp file))
(!%warn "closefile: illegal file identifier" file))
((setq port ($ifile file))
(close port)
(remprop file 'inputfile))
((setq port ($ofile file))
(close port)
(remprop file 'outputfile)))
(return nil)))
(df default z
(prog (file use)
(eval-args z)
((not (eq ($parametercount) 2))
(!%warn "default: wrong number of arguments" z)
(return nil)))
(setq file ($parameter 1))
(setq use ($parameter 2))
((not (idp file))
(!%warn "default: illegal file identifier" file)
(return nil))
((not (memq use '(write accept trace)))
(!%warn "default: illegal use for a file" use)
(return nil))
(memq use '(write trace))
(not (null file))
(not ($ofile file)))
"default: file has not been opened for output"
(return nil))
(eq use 'accept)
(not (null file))
(not ($ifile file)))
"default: file has not been opened for input"
(return nil))
((eq use 'write) (setq *write-file* file))
((eq use 'accept) (setq *accept-file* file))
((eq use 'trace) (setq *trace-file* file)))
(return nil)))
%%% RHS Functions
(df accept z
(prog (port arg)
((igreaterp (length z) 1)
(!%warn "accept: wrong number of arguments" z)
(return nil)))
(setq port nil)
(setq port ($ifile *accept-file*))
((null port)
"accept: file has been closed"
(return nil)))) )
((eq (length z) 1)
(setq arg ($varbind (car z)))
((not (idp arg))
(!%warn "accept: illegal file name" arg)
(return nil)))
(setq port ($ifile arg))
((null port)
(!%warn "accept: file not open for input" arg)
(return nil)))) )
((eq (!!tyipeek port) (!!minus 1))
($value 'end-of-file)
(return nil)))
(flat-value (!!read port))))
(de flat-value (x)
(cond ((atom x) ($value x)) (t (!!mapc (function flat-value) x))))
(de span-chars (x prt)
(prog (ch)
(setq ch (!!tyipeek prt))
(while (member ch x)
(progn (!!readc prt) (setq ch (!!tyipeek prt))))))
(df acceptline z
(prog (c def arg port)
(setq port nil)
(setq def z)
(setq port ($ifile *accept-file*))
((null port)
"acceptline: file has been closed"
(return nil)))) )
((pairp def) %% replaces the awful (greaterp (length def) 0)
(setq arg ($varbind (car def)))
((and (idp arg) ($ifile arg))
(setq port ($ifile arg))
(setq def (cdr def)))) ))
(span-chars '(9 41) port)
(setq c (tyi port))
((memq (!!tyipeek port) '(-1 10))
(!!mapc (function $change) def)
(return nil)))
l: (flat-value (!!read port))
(span-chars '(9 41) port)
((not (memq (!!tyipeek port) '(difference1 10)))
(go l:)))) )
(df substr l
(prog (k elm start end)
((not (eq (length l) 3))
(!%warn "substr: wrong number of arguments" l)
(return nil)))
(setq elm (get-ce-var-bind (car l)))
((null elm)
(!%warn "first argument to substr must be a ce var" l)
(return nil)))
(setq start ($varbind (cadr l)))
(setq start ($litbind start))
((not (numberp start))
(!%warn "second argument to substr must be a number" l)
(return nil)))
%% if a variable is bound to INF, the following
%% will get the binding and treat it as INF is
%% always treated. That may not be good.
(setq end ($varbind (caddr l)))
(cond ((eq end 'inf) (setq end (length elm))))
(setq end ($litbind end))
((not (numberp end))
(!%warn "third argument to substr must be a number" l)
(return nil)))
%% this loop does not check for the end of elm
%% instead it relies on cdr of nil being nil
%% this may not work in all versions of lisp
(setq k 1)
la (cond
((igreaterp k end) (return nil))
((not (ilessp k start)) ($value (car elm))))
(setq elm (cdr elm))
(setq k (iadd1 k))
(go la)))
(df compute z ($value (ari z)))
% arith is the obsolete form of compute
(df arith z ($value (ari z)))
(de ari (x)
((atom x) (!%warn "bad syntax in arithmetic expression " x) 0)
((atom (cdr x)) (ari-unit (car x)))
((eq (cadr x) '+) (plus (ari-unit (car x)) (ari (cddr x))))
((eq (cadr x) '-)
(difference (ari-unit (car x)) (ari (cddr x))))
((eq (cadr x) '*) (times (ari-unit (car x)) (ari (cddr x))))
((eq (cadr x) '!/)
(quotient (ari-unit (car x)) (ari (cddr x))))
((eq (cadr x) '!!)
(mod (fix (ari-unit (car x))) (fix (ari (cddr x)))) )
(t (!%warn "bad syntax in arithmetic expression " x) 0)))
(de ari-unit (a)
(prog (r)
(cond ((pairp a) (setq r (ari a))) (t (setq r ($varbind a))))
((not (numberp r))
(!%warn "bad value in arithmetic expression" a)
(return 0))
(t (return r)))) )
(de genatom nil ($value (gensym)))
(df litval z
(prog (r)
((not (eq (length z) 1))
(!%warn "litval: wrong number of arguments" z)
($value 0)
(return nil))
((numberp (car z)) ($value (car z)) (return nil)))
(setq r ($litbind ($varbind (car z))))
(cond ((numberp r) ($value r) (return nil)))
(!%warn "litval: argument has no literal binding" (car z))
($value 0)))
(df rjust z
(prog (val)
((not (eq (length z) 1))
(!%warn "rjust: wrong number of arguments" z)
(return nil)))
(setq val ($varbind (car z)))
((or (not (numberp val)) (ilessp val 1) (igreaterp val 127))
(!%warn "rjust: illegal value for field width" val)
(return nil)))
($value "=== R J U S T ===")
($value val)))
(df crlf z
(z (!%warn "crlf: does not take arguments" z))
(t ($value "=== C R L F ==="))))
(df tabto z
(prog (val)
((not (eq (length z) 1))
(!%warn "tabto: wrong number of arguments" z)
(return nil)))
(setq val ($varbind (car z)))
((or (not (numberp val)) (ilessp val 1) (igreaterp val 127))
(!%warn "tabto: illegal column number" z)
(return nil)))
($value "=== T A B T O ===")
($value val)))
%%% Printing WM
(df ppwm avlist
(prog (next a)
(setq *filters* nil)
(setq next 1)
l: (cond ((atom avlist) (go print)))
(setq a (car avlist))
(setq avlist (cdr avlist))
((eq a '!^)
(setq next (car avlist))
(setq avlist (cdr avlist))
(setq next ($litbind next))
(and (floatp next) (setq next (fix next)))
(not (numberp next))
(igreaterp next *size-result-array*)
(igreaterp 1 next))
(!%warn "illegal index after ^" next)
(return nil))))
((variablep a)
(!%warn "ppwm does not take variables" a)
(return nil))
(t (setq *filters* (cons next (cons a *filters*)))
(setq next (iadd1 next))))
(go l:)
print (mapwm (function ppwm2))
(return nil)))
(de ppwm2 (elm-tag)
(cond ((filter (car elm-tag)) (terpri) (ppelm (car elm-tag) nil))))
(de filter (elm)
(prog (fl indx val)
(setq fl *filters*)
top (cond ((atom fl) (return t)))
(setq indx (car fl))
(setq val (cadr fl))
(setq fl (cddr fl))
(cond ((ident (nth (isub1 indx) elm) val) (go top)))
(return nil)))
(de ident (x y)
((eq x y) t)
((not (numberp x)) nil)
((not (numberp y)) nil)
((=alg x y) t)
(t nil)))
% the new ppelm is designed especially to handle literalize format
% however, it will do as well as the old ppelm on other formats
(de ppelm (elm port)
(prog (ppdat sep val att mode lastpos curpos vlist)
(!!princ (creation-time elm) port)
(!!princ ": " port)
(setq mode 'vector)
(setq ppdat (get (car elm) 'ppdat))
(and ppdat (setq mode 'a-v))
(setq sep "(")
(setq lastpos 0)
(setq curpos 1) (setq vlist elm)
(while (not (atom vlist))
(setq val (car vlist))
(setq att (assoc curpos ppdat))
(cond (att (setq att (cdr att))) (t (setq att curpos)))
(idp att)
(is-vector-attribute att)
(setq mode 'vector))
((or (not (null val)) (eq mode 'vector))
(!!princ sep port)
(ppval val att lastpos port)
(setq sep " ")
(setq lastpos curpos)))
(setq curpos (iadd1 curpos))
(setq vlist (cdr vlist))))
(!!princ ")" port)))
(de ppval (val att lastpos port)
((not (eq att (iadd1 lastpos)))
(!!princ '!^ port)
(!!princ att port)
(!!princ " " port)))
(!!princ val port))
%%% printing production memory
(df pm z (!!mapc (function pprule) z) (terpri) nil)
(de pprule (name)
(prog (matrix next lab)
(cond ((not (idp name)) (return nil)))
(setq matrix (get name 'production))
(cond ((null matrix) (return nil)))
(princ "(p ")
(princ name)
top (cond ((atom matrix) (go fin)))
(setq next (car matrix))
(setq matrix (cdr matrix))
(setq lab nil)
((eq next '-)
(princ " - ")
(setq next (car matrix))
(setq matrix (cdr matrix)))
((eq next '-->) (princ " "))
((and (eq next '!{) (atom (car matrix)))
(princ " {")
(setq lab (car matrix))
(setq next (cadr matrix))
(setq matrix (cdddr matrix)))
((eq next '!{)
(princ " {")
(setq lab (cadr matrix))
(setq next (car matrix))
(setq matrix (cdddr matrix)))
(t (princ " ")))
(ppline next)
(cond (lab (princ " ") (princ lab) (princ '!})))
(go top)
fin (princ ")")))
(de ppline (line)
(prog ()
((atom line) (princ line))
(t (princ "(") (setq *ppline* line) (ppline2) (princ ")")))
(return nil)))
(de ppline2 ()
(prog (needspace)
(setq needspace nil)
top (cond ((atom *ppline*) (return nil)))
(and needspace (princ " "))
(cond ((eq (car *ppline*) '!^) (ppattval)) (t (pponlyval)))
(setq needspace t)
(go top)))
(de ppattval ()
(prog (att val)
(setq att (cadr *ppline*))
(setq *ppline* (cddr *ppline*))
(setq val (getval))
((greaterp (iplus (posn) (flatc att) (flatc val)) 76)
(princ " ")))
(princ '!^)
(princ att)
(!!mapc (function (lambda (z) (princ " ") (princ z))) val)))
(de pponlyval ()
(prog (val needspace)
(setq val (getval))
(setq needspace nil)
((greaterp (iplus (posn) (flatc val)) 76)
(setq needspace nil)
(princ " ")))
top (cond ((atom val) (return nil)))
(and needspace (princ " "))
(setq needspace t)
(princ (car val))
(setq val (cdr val))
(go top)))
(de getval ()
(prog (res v1)
(setq v1 (car *ppline*))
(setq *ppline* (cdr *ppline*))
((memq v1 '(= <> < <= => > <=>))
(setq res (cons v1 (getval))))
((eq v1 '!{) (setq res (cons v1 (getupto '!}))))
((eq v1 '<<) (setq res (cons v1 (getupto '>>))))
((eq v1 '!/)
(setq res (list v1 (car *ppline*)))
(setq *ppline* (cdr *ppline*)))
(t (setq res (list v1))))
(return res)))
(de getupto (end)
(prog (v)
(cond ((atom *ppline*) (return nil)))
(setq v (car *ppline*))
(setq *ppline* (cdr *ppline*))
((eq v end) (return (list v)))
(t (return (cons v (getupto end)))) )))
%%% backing up
(de record-index-plus (k)
(setq *record-index* (iplus k *record-index*))
((lessp *record-index* 0)
(setq *record-index* *max-record-index*))
((greaterp *record-index* *max-record-index*)
(setq *record-index* 0))))
% the following routine initializes the record. putting nil in the
% first slot indicates that that the record does not go back further
% than that. (when the system backs up, it writes nil over the used
% records so that it will recognize which records it has used. thus
% the system is set up anyway never to back over a nil.)
(de initialize-record nil
(setq *record-index* 0)
(setq *recording* nil)
(setq *max-record-index* 31)
(putv *record-array* 0 nil))
% *max-record-index* holds the maximum legal index for record-array
% so it and the following must be changed at the same time
(de begin-record (p data)
(setq *recording* t)
(setq *record* (list '=>refract p data)))
(de end-record nil
(setq *record*
(cons *cycle-count* (cons *p-name* *record*)))
(record-index-plus 1)
(putv *record-array* *record-index* *record*)
(setq *record* nil)
(setq *recording* nil))))
(de record-change (direct time elm)
(setq *record*
(cons direct (cons time (cons elm *record*)))) )))
% to maintain refraction information, need keep only one piece of information:
% need to record all unsuccessful attempts to delete things from the conflict
% set. unsuccessful deletes are caused by attempting to delete refracted
% instantiations. when backing up, have to avoid putting things back into the
% conflict set if they were not deleted when running forward
(de record-refract (rule data)
(setq *record*
(cons '<=refract (cons rule (cons data *record*)))) ))
(de refracted (rule data)
(prog (z)
(cond ((null *refracts*) (return nil)))
(setq z (cons rule data))
(return (member z *refracts*))))
(de back (k)
(prog (r)
l: (cond ((lessp k 1) (return nil)))
(setq r (getv *record-array* *record-index*))
(cond ((null r) (return "nothing more stored")))
(putv *record-array* *record-index* nil)
(record-index-plus (!!minus 1))
(undo-record r)
(setq k (isub1 k))
(go l:)))
(de undo-record (r)
(prog (save act a b rate)
%% *recording* must be off during back up
(setq save *recording*)
(setq *refracts* nil)
(setq *recording* nil)
(and *ptrace* (back-print (list 'undo: (car r) (cadr r))))
(setq r (cddr r))
top (cond ((atom r) (go fin)))
(setq act (car r))
(setq a (cadr r))
(setq b (caddr r))
(setq r (cdddr r))
(and *wtrace* (back-print (list 'undo: act a)))
((eq act '<=wm) (add-to-wm b a))
((eq act '=>wm) (remove-from-wm b))
((eq act '<=refract)
(setq *refracts* (cons (cons a b) *refracts*)))
((and (eq act '=>refract) (still-present b))
(setq *refracts* (delete (cons a b) *refracts*))
(setq rate (rating-part (get a 'topnode)))
(removecs a b)
(insertcs a b rate))
(t (!%warn "back: cannot undo action" (list act a))))
(go top)
fin (setq *recording* save)
(setq *refracts* nil)
(return nil)))
% still-present makes sure that the user has not deleted something
% from wm which occurs in the instantiation about to be restored; it
% makes the check by determining whether each wme still has a time tag.
(de still-present (data)
(prog nil
l: (cond
((atom data) (return t))
((creation-time (car data)) (setq data (cdr data)) (go l:))
(t (return nil)))) )
(de back-print (x)
(prog (port)
(setq port (trace-file))
(terpri port)
(print x port)))
%%% Functions to show how close rules are to firing
(df matches rule-list
(!!mapc (function matches2) rule-list)
(de matches2 (p)
((atom p)
(princ p)
(matches3 (get p 'backpointers) 2 (ncons 1)))) )
(de matches3 (nodes ce part)
((not (null nodes))
(princ " ** matches for ")
(princ part)
(princ " ** ")
(!!mapc (function write-elms) (find-left-mem (car nodes)))
(princ " ** matches for ")
(princ (ncons ce))
(princ " ** ")
(!!mapc (function write-elms) (find-right-mem (car nodes)))
(matches3 (cdr nodes) (iadd1 ce) (cons ce part)))) )
(de write-elms (wme-or-count)
((pairp wme-or-count)
(!!mapc (function write-elms2) wme-or-count))))
(de write-elms2 (x) (princ " ") (princ (creation-time x)))
(de find-left-mem (node)
((eq (car node) '&and) (memory-part (caddr node)))
(t (car (caddr node)))) )
(de find-right-mem (node) (memory-part (cadddr node)))
%%% Check the RHSs of productions
(de check-rhs (rhs) (!!mapc (function check-action) rhs))
(de check-action (x)
(prog (a)
(cond ((atom x) (!%warn "atomic action" x) (return nil)))
(setq a (setq *action-type* (car x)))
((eq a 'bind) (check-bind x))
((eq a 'cbind) (check-cbind x))
((eq a 'make) (check-make x))
((eq a 'modify) (check-modify x))
((eq a 'remove) (check-remove x))
((eq a 'write) (check-write x))
((eq a 'call) (check-call x))
((eq a 'halt) (check-halt x))
((eq a 'openfile) (check-openfile x))
((eq a 'closefile) (check-closefile x))
((eq a 'default) (check-default x))
((eq a 'build) (check-build x))
(t (!%warn "undefined rhs action" a)))) )
(de check-build (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(check-build-collect (cdr z)))
(de check-build-collect (args)
(prog (r)
top (cond ((null args) (return nil)))
(setq r (car args))
(setq args (cdr args))
((pairp r) (check-build-collect r))
((eq r '!!)
(and (null args) (!%warn "nothing to evaluate" r))
(check-rhs-value (car args))
(setq args (cdr args))))
(go top)))
(de check-remove (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(!!mapc (function check-rhs-ce-var) (cdr z)))
(de check-make (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(check-change& (cdr z)))
(de check-openfile (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(check-change& (cdr z)))
(de check-closefile (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(check-change& (cdr z)))
(de check-default (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(check-change& (cdr z)))
(de check-modify (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(check-rhs-ce-var (cadr z))
(and (null (cddr z)) (!%warn "no changes to make" z))
(check-change& (cddr z)))
(de check-write (z)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(check-change& (cdr z)))
(de check-call (z)
(prog (f)
(and (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(setq f (cadr z))
(variablep f)
(!%warn "function name must be a constant" z))
(idp f)
(!%warn "function name must be a symbolic atom" f))
(externalp f)
(!%warn "function name not declared external" f))
(check-change& (cddr z))))
(de check-halt (z)
(or (null (cdr z)) (!%warn "does not take arguments" z)))
(de check-cbind (z)
(prog (v)
(or (eq (length z) 2) (!%warn "takes only one argument" z))
(setq v (cadr z))
(or (variablep v) (!%warn "takes variable as argument" z))
(note-ce-variable v)))
(de check-bind (z)
(prog (v)
(or (igreaterp (length z) 1) (!%warn "needs arguments" z))
(setq v (cadr z))
(or (variablep v) (!%warn "takes variable as argument" z))
(note-variable v)
(check-change& (cddr z))))
(de check-change& (z)
(prog (r tab-flag)
(setq tab-flag nil)
la (cond ((atom z) (return nil)))
(setq r (car z))
(setq z (cdr z))
((eq r '!^)
(!%warn "no value before this tab" (car z)))
(setq tab-flag t)
(check-tab-index (car z))
(setq z (cdr z)))
((eq r '!/) (setq tab-flag nil) (setq z (cdr z)))
(t (setq tab-flag nil) (check-rhs-value r)))
(go la)))
(de check-rhs-ce-var (v)
((and (not (numberp v)) (not (ce-bound? v)))
(!%warn "unbound element variable" v))
((and (numberp v) (or (lessp v 1) (greaterp v *ce-count*)))
(!%warn "numeric element designator out of bounds" v))))
(de check-rhs-value (x)
(cond ((pairp x) (check-rhs-function x)) (t (check-rhs-atomic x))))
(de check-rhs-atomic (x)
(variablep x)
(not (bound? x))
(!%warn "unbound variable" x)))
(de check-rhs-function (x)
(prog (a)
(setq a (car x))
((eq a 'compute) (check-compute x))
((eq a 'arith) (check-compute x))
((eq a 'substr) (check-substr x))
((eq a 'accept) (check-accept x))
((eq a 'acceptline) (check-acceptline x))
((eq a 'crlf) (check-crlf x))
((eq a 'genatom) (check-genatom x))
((eq a 'litval) (check-litval x))
((eq a 'tabto) (check-tabto x))
((eq a 'rjust) (check-rjust x))
((not (externalp a))
(!%warn "rhs function not declared external" a)))) )
(de check-litval (x)
(or (eq (length x) 2) (!%warn "wrong number of arguments" x))
(check-rhs-atomic (cadr x)))
(de check-accept (x)
((eq (length x) 1) nil)
((eq (length x) 2) (check-rhs-atomic (cadr x)))
(t (!%warn "too many arguments" x))))
(de check-acceptline (x)
(!!mapc (function check-rhs-atomic) (cdr x)))
(de check-crlf (x) (check-0-args x))
(de check-genatom (x) (check-0-args x))
(de check-tabto (x)
(or (eq (length x) 2) (!%warn "wrong number of arguments" x))
(check-print-control (cadr x)))
(de check-rjust (x)
(or (eq (length x) 2) (!%warn "wrong number of arguments" x))
(check-print-control (cadr x)))
(de check-0-args (x)
(or (eq (length x) 1) (!%warn "should not have arguments" x)))
(de check-substr (x)
(or (eq (length x) 4) (!%warn "wrong number of arguments" x))
(check-rhs-ce-var (cadr x))
(check-substr-index (caddr x))
(check-last-substr-index (cadddr x)))
(de check-compute (x) (check-arithmetic (cdr x)))
(de check-arithmetic (l)
((atom l) (!%warn "syntax error in arithmetic expression" l))
((atom (cdr l)) (check-term (car l)))
((not (memq (cadr l) '(+ - * !/)))
(!%warn "unknown operator" l))
(t (check-term (car l)) (check-arithmetic (cddr l)))) )
(de check-term (x)
(cond ((pairp x) (check-arithmetic x)) (t (check-rhs-atomic x))))
(de check-last-substr-index (x)
(or (eq x 'inf) (check-substr-index x)))
(de check-substr-index (x)
(prog (v)
(cond ((bound? x) (return x)))
(setq v ($litbind x))
((not (numberp v))
(!%warn "unbound symbol used as index in substr" x))
((or (lessp v 1) (greaterp v 127))
(!%warn "index out of bounds in tab" x)))) )
(de check-print-control (x)
(prog ()
(cond ((bound? x) (return x)))
((or (not (numberp x)) (lessp x 1) (greaterp x 127))
(!%warn "illegal value for printer control" x)))) )
(de check-tab-index (x)
(prog (v)
(cond ((bound? x) (return x)))
(setq v ($litbind x))
((not (numberp v))
(!%warn "unbound symbol occurs after ^" x))
((or (lessp v 1) (greaterp v 127))
(!%warn "index out of bounds after ^" x)))) )
(de note-variable (var)
(setq *rhs-bound-vars* (cons var *rhs-bound-vars*)))
(de bound? (var) (or (memq var *rhs-bound-vars*) (var-dope var)))
(de note-ce-variable (ce-var)
(setq *rhs-bound-ce-vars* (cons ce-var *rhs-bound-ce-vars*)))
(de ce-bound? (ce-var)
(or (memq ce-var *rhs-bound-ce-vars*) (ce-var-dope ce-var)))
%%% Top level routines
(de process-changes (adds dels)
(prog (x)
(cond ((atom dels) (go process-adds)))
(setq x (car dels))
(setq dels (cdr dels))
(remove-from-wm x)
(go process-deletes)
(cond ((atom adds) (return nil)))
(setq x (car adds))
(setq adds (cdr adds))
(add-to-wm x nil)
(go process-adds)))
(de main nil
(prog (instance r)
(setq *halt-flag* nil)
(setq *break-flag* nil)
(setq instance nil)
dil (setq *phase* 'conflict-resolution)
(*halt-flag* (setq r "end -- explicit halt") (go finis))
((izerop *remaining-cycles*)
(setq r '***break***)
(setq *break-flag* t)
(go finis))
(*break-flag* (setq r '***break***) (go finis)))
(setq *remaining-cycles* (isub1 *remaining-cycles*))
(setq instance (conflict-resolution))
((not instance)
(setq r "end -- no production true")
(go finis)))
(setq *phase* (car instance))
(eval-rhs (car instance) (cdr instance))
(and (broken (car instance)) (setq *break-flag* t))
(go dil)
finis (setq *p-name* nil)
(return r)))
(de do-continue (wmi)
(princ "warning: network may be inconsistent")))
(process-changes wmi nil)
(print-times (main)))
(de accum-stats nil
(setq *cycle-count* (iadd1 *cycle-count*))
(setq *total-token* (iplus *total-token* *current-token*))
((igreaterp *current-token* *max-token*)
(setq *max-token* *current-token*)))
(setq *total-wm* (iplus *total-wm* *current-wm*))
((greaterp *current-wm* *max-wm*)
(setq *max-wm* *current-wm*))))
(de print-times (mess)
(prog (cc ac)
(cond (*break-flag* (terpri) (return mess)))
(setq cc (plus (float *cycle-count*) 10.0e-20))
(setq ac (plus (float *action-count*) 1.0e-20))
(princ mess)
(list *action-count* 'rhs 'actions)))
(round (quotient (float *total-wm*) cc))
(list *max-wm* 'maximum)))
(round (quotient (float *total-cs*) cc))
(list *max-cs* 'maximum)))
(round (quotient (float *total-token*) cc))
(list *max-token* 'maximum)))
(de pm-size nil
(list *real-cnt* '!/ *virtual-cnt* 'nodes)))
(de check-limits nil
((igreaterp (length *conflict-set*) *limit-cs*)
"conflict set size exceeded the limit of"
(setq *halt-flag* t)))
((igreaterp *current-token* *limit-token*)
"token memory size exceeded the limit of"
(setq *halt-flag* t))))
(de top-level-remove (z)
((equal z '(*)) (process-changes nil (get-wm nil)))
(t (process-changes nil (get-wm z)))) )
(df excise z (!!mapc (function excise-p) z))
(df run z
((atom z) (setq *remaining-cycles* 1000000) (do-continue nil))
((and (atom (cdr z)) (numberp (car z)) (greaterp (car z) 0))
(setq *remaining-cycles* (car z))
(do-continue nil))
(t 'what?)))
(df strategy z
((atom z) *strategy*)
((equal z '(lex)) (setq *strategy* 'lex))
((equal z '(mea)) (setq *strategy* 'mea))
(t 'what?)))
(df cs z (cond ((atom z) (conflict-set)) (t 'what?)))
(df watch z
((equal z '(0)) (setq *wtrace* nil) (setq *ptrace* nil) 0)
((equal z '(1)) (setq *wtrace* nil) (setq *ptrace* t) 1)
((equal z '(2)) (setq *wtrace* t) (setq *ptrace* t) 2)
((equal z '(3))
(setq *wtrace* t)
(setq *ptrace* t)
'(2 -- conflict set trace not supported))
((and (atom z) (null *ptrace*)) 0)
((and (atom z) (null *wtrace*)) 1)
((atom z) 2)
(t 'what?)))
(df external z (catch !!error!! (external2 z)))
(de external2 (z) (!!mapc (function external3) z))
(de external3 (x)
((idp x) (putprop x t 'external-routine))
(t (!%error "not a legal function name" x))))
(de externalp (x)
((idp x) (get x 'external-routine))
(t (!%warn "not a legal function name" x) nil)))
(df pbreak z
((atom z) (terpri) *brkpts*)
(t (!!mapc (function pbreak2) z) nil)))
(de pbreak2 (rule)
((not (idp rule)) (!%warn "illegal name" rule))
((not (get rule 'topnode)) (!%warn "not a production" rule))
((memq rule *brkpts*) (setq *brkpts* (rematm rule *brkpts*)))
(t (setq *brkpts* (cons rule *brkpts*)))) )
(de rematm (atm list)
((atom list) list)
((eq atm (car list)) (rematm atm (cdr list)))
(t (cons (car list) (rematm atm (cdr list)))) ))
(de broken (rule) (memq rule *brkpts*))
(setsyntax '!{ 'read!-macro nil)
(setsyntax "{}" 'letter t)
(setsyntax "{}" 'break-character nil)
(car!-nil!-legal t)